Mr. Ramgopal Rao

Mr. Ramgopal Rao, a Shareholder in the Enterprise – he brings over 4 decades of Entrepreneurial experience of which nearly 3 decades have been in Recruitment. He has successfully placed over 900 Executives in major Corporations both Indian & International.
Brig Ajit Apte (Retd)

Brig Ajit Apte (Retd), an Army Brigadier and a Veteran who understands the Defence Forces and who has had a successful Corporate Career in Senior Management Positions for nearly a decade in Global Multinational and Indian Companies. He is a Shareholder & Director of the New Company.
Mr. Rishan Talang Rao

Mr. Rishan Talang Rao, a professionally qualified, a Young Generation Entrepreneur. He has had nearly five years of Managerial experience in the Services Sector.